
OCR Training Plan

This is a short introduction to my OCR-training plan. You can by the plan from Final Surge (www.finalsurge.com) or directly from me by contacting me on my e-mail (info@runningacademy.se).

You will find video clips of all of the strength exercieses in the clips below.

Click the video to show it on Youtube for text instuctions and tips for each exercise.

You will need the following gears to complete all the exercises:
A door
2 towels (large)
2 chairs
1 broom stick
1 pull up bar, branch or something to hang on to
1 weight (or a stone) 5-25 kg (10-50 lbs) depening your strength
2 bags (or suitcases, water tanks, petrol cans, kettlebells) loaded with apx 20-25 kg (40-50 lbs)

Good luck!


Towel transfers
Door getups
Jumping Lunges
Towel hang
Around the bar
Jump squats
Crunches (weighted)
Arm circles
Paused pull ups
Push ups
Russian Twist
Farmers walk
Nordic hamstrings

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